The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Child Learning: A Spotlight on Stella Maris Schools, Abuja

Extracurricular activities in schools play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s holistic development. Beyond the confines of the classroom, these activities offer children opportunities to learn new skills, develop character, and build lifelong friendships. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of extracurricular activities in the learning journey of children and focus on Stella Maris Schools in Abuja, Nigeria, as an excellent example of an institution that places a strong emphasis on providing diverse extracurricular opportunities for its students.


  1. Building Character and Values


Extracurricular activities are instrumental in instilling essential life skills and values in children. These activities teach students discipline, teamwork, leadership, and time management. At Stella Maris Schools, a variety of extracurricular activities are offered, such as the “Mr. and Miss Stella Maris” competition, which promotes confidence, public speaking, and self-esteem. Such events help students build character and prepare them for the challenges they will face in their future endeavors.


  1. Physical Fitness and Health


Extracurricular activities like the “Inter-House Sports” event encourage students to lead an active lifestyle. These activities promote physical fitness, teamwork, and a sense of healthy competition. Stella Maris Schools’ dedication to physical education ensures that students not only excel academically but also maintain their well-being through sports and fitness programs.

  1. Fostering Creativity and Talent


Extracurricular activities provide a platform for students to explore their talents and passions. Stella Maris Schools acknowledges the importance of nurturing creativity through activities like “Youth Weekend,” which showcases students’ artistic and creative abilities. This nurturing environment allows students to discover their true potential and helps them excel both academically and personally.


  1. Social Skills and Friendship

Extracurricular activities encourage students to interact with their peers outside of the classroom. Events like inter-school competitions foster a sense of camaraderie among students and help them develop strong friendships. These relationships can be instrumental in their social and emotional growth.


  1. Academic Enhancement

Participating in extracurricular activities can enhance a student’s academic performance. It helps them manage their time effectively and can improve their concentration and problem-solving skills. Stella Maris Schools recognizes the synergy between extracurricular involvement and academic success, encouraging students to strike a balance between both aspects of their education.


  1. Encouraging Healthy Competition

Extracurricular activities often involve healthy competition, which can inspire students to strive for excellence. Stella Maris Schools’ commitment to inter-school competitions encourages students to push their boundaries, aiming for the highest standards in various fields.


  1. Building Confidence

Participating in activities such as spelling bees and talent shows can significantly boost a child’s confidence. Stella Maris Schools provides students with numerous opportunities to showcase their talents and skills, reinforcing their self-belief.



Extracurricular activities are an essential component of a child’s education, offering numerous benefits that complement their academic learning. Stella Maris Schools in Abuja, Nigeria, exemplifies the value of these activities by providing a rich tapestry of opportunities for its students, ranging from talent shows to sports events. Through a holistic approach to education, Stella Maris Schools nurtures well-rounded individuals who are not only academically competent but also equipped with essential life skills and values. The impact of extracurricular activities on child learning cannot be underestimated, and Stella Maris Schools stands as a shining example of how these activities can positively influence a student’s educational journey.